Adjustable Shutters Opening Mechanism - Pomo Europa TMS
Europa TMS knob is the classic knob for opening / closing the adjustable shutter.
shutter knob can be mounted on all Tecnometalsystem adjustable shutter mechanisms, it is assembled with the
rotary mechanism and mounted on both chamber doors 24-25 and chamber doors 35-36.
Pomo Europa Tecnometalsystem is an
adjustable shutter opening mechanism with a footprint from the plane of the door of 33 mm.
Hole position for shutter knob assembly
The rotary positioning hole is made using a 9 mm diameter drill bit and drilling according to the profile.
Pomo Europa versions with Tecnometalsystem shutter mechanism
You can buy 2 different
versions of the Tecnometalsystem shutter mechanism.
Select the version of the Persian knob you want according to your need.
What are the versions of the EUROPA Tecnometalsystem knob? Here's the list:
- K183 / B : EUROPA knob with rotary chamber 25;
- K178 / B : EUROPA knob with rotary camera 36.
The package includes the shutter knob of the selected code and two 3.5x11 mm screws.
For more information, we recommend that you read the technical data sheets (click on DOCUMENTS).
Tecnometalsystem shutter knob colors
Each version can be ordered in black or colored version.
standard version is black . The colors of
the colored version are: white, gray, brown, dark brown or green.
If you buy a colored device after your order we will ask you which color you would like to receive.
Tecnometalsystem shutter knob at the best prices
Tecnometalsystem (TMS) produces in Italy the best models of
knob for adjustable shutter .
TMS's goal is to help customers find the best solution by guaranteeing the quality and functionality of the product.