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Window security: everything you need to know

by Elia Caneppele 5 July 2020 commenti (1) scrivi commento
What should you know about "window security"? Well, you should know what shatterproof glass is, what is the norm that classifies it and how; and you should also know which are the best mechanical anti-intrusion systems for windows. To learn more about these topics, read on ...

Windowo burglary-proof window solutions

Do you live on the ground floor and are you afraid that thieves can enter the house through the windows? In this article we "defenestrate" the break-in attempts. We will study together everything you can do to raise the security level of your windows. In particular, I will talk to you about armored glass and three mechanical anti-intrusion systems that you can use to make your windows into real "hard bones".

We immediately open the window on the first topic.

How are shatterproof glass for windows made?

Some people call them shatterproof glass, some armored glass, some burglar-proof glass ... But what is it? First of all, let's say that shatterproof glass (commercial term) are laminated glass, i.e. safety glass that involves the use of two or more glass sheets held together by sheets of plastic material (called PVB).

anti-burglary laminated glass for windows

This technique is first of all an extra protection for people, because it prevents the window glass from shattering in the event of an accidental impact: if it were to break, in fact, it would remain in its seat because it is glued to the plastic material. The laminated glass, therefore, eliminates the risk of injury. But that's not their only advantage: they are also extra protection against theft. Let's deepen ...

You must know that there is a standard, UNI EN 356 , to classify safety glass based on their resistance to manual attack, be it a vandal act or an attempted break-in. According to this standard, for the protection against throwing objects or hammer and ax hits, it is possible to choose anti-burglary (or anti-vandalism) glass of the following classes, which offer progressively higher performances: P1A, P2A, P3A, P4A, P5A, P6B, P7B, P8B.

Of course, the higher the performance of our glass, the more difficult we make life for thieves, because they will need more tools and more time to put their plans into action. And consider that when these "gentlemen" understand that the work will not be quick and easy, they generally give up for fear of being caught red-handed.
I hope I was crystal clear enough, but know that if you have any doubts we can talk about it in the comments at the bottom of the article. Now let's move on to a new topic.

3 mechanical anti-intrusion systems for windows

We come to the mechanical systems you can choose to use to prevent burglars from entering your home through windows. I have selected three that you probably already know ... but I will reveal to you things that you may not yet know.

Burglar-proof gratings: the 6 security classes

The first thing that comes to mind when we think about window protection is the railings. But do you know that there are different security classes? The UNI EN 1630 standard provides for 6 and for each indicates which "tools of the trade" the railing resists (and for how long). Let's see them in detail:
  • security class 1: for break-in attempts made using only physical force (resistance time not indicated);
  • safety class 2: against burglary attempts with simple tools, such as screwdriver, wedge and hacksaw (resistance time: at least 3 minutes);
  • safety class 3: to put a spanner in the works for thieves who use, in addition to simple tools, also other tools such as the hand drill and crowbar (resistance time: at least 5 minutes);
  • security class 4: to repel the thief who adds other tools to his toolbox, such as hatchet and cordless drill (endurance time: at least 10 minutes);
  • safety class 5: against burglary with electric tools (resistance time: at least 15 minutes);
  • safety class 6: against high power electric tools (endurance time: at least 20 minutes).

Well, now you are wondering which class to choose, right? The most common railings for homes are those of class 3 and 4; Classes 5 and 6 are usually used for financial or military buildings and for the headquarters of institutional bodies.

security gratings 2-leaf and fixed gratings

Stop thieves with intrusion bars

The second mechanical solution that I propose to you? The internal bar railings - or anti-intrusion bars - which are used to armor shutters and shutters blocking them from the inside.

Here at Windowo we have chosen to include two excellent products in our e-shop: the Blindy burglar-proof bar and the Giroblock CI.F.ALL burglar-proof bar.

anti-burglary barrier blindy and ci.f.all. burglar alarm stops thieves

In both cases, these are extendable bars, so the size can be adjusted according to individual needs. Why choose this type of system?
  • It is easy to install on your own.
  • It is simple to use.
  • It is an effective "thief-blocking" barrier.

Safety handles to block the opening of the window

safety handle with key

And here we are with the third and last anti-intrusion system for windows that I have chosen for you: the safety handles. Before telling you what it is, you need to know one of the techniques used by thieves to open windows: they make a hole in the frame of the window and turn the handle with a special tool. A quick and clean chore. Well, with the safety handles you can hinder them because they are equipped with a system that locks them: to turn them you have to push a button or use an ad hoc key. And thieves can say goodbye to their dreams of glory!

To better understand how a safety handle works, below you can see a video of the Linea Calì SmartBlock system :

I'm curious which of these solutions you will use to make your windows safer. I give you one last tip: evaluate what to invest by analyzing your specific situation. Is the area you live in known to be "thief risk"? Do you live in a detached house or in a condominium? Ah, if you need some advice, feel free to write me in the comments or contact us .

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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Buonasera, per un appartamento monolocale 3 piano con terrazzo, presenti nella stanza 4 finestre oltre i 2 Mt di larghezza, di cui 3 fisse(non apribili) e solo 1 porta finestra che conduce al terrazzo... Mi chiedevo quale sistema di sicurezza potreste suggerirmi cercando di evitare le inferriate che esteticamente renderebbero il monolocale tipo prigione invece che atfico????????grazie Serena
23 March 2021



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