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Window manufacturers: what it is, what it does and how much it earns

by Elia Caneppele 26 August 2021 commenti (0) scrivi commento

serramentista cos'è cosa fa e quanto guadagna

In this article we deal with the professional figure of the window manufacturer by seeing the meaning of this work, what functions it performs and what is the average salary with which it is paid.

The work of the window maker combines tradition and modernity : it is a profession that has existed for years but which is part of a process of continuous evolution. It combines the charm of the craftsman's craft with the use of new technologies in the construction field (for example the latest generation glass). In short, the window maker is a job that has always been able to reinvent itself over time, modernizing itself according to the needs of the demand.

This is why it is interesting to find out more about this professional. We have created this guide for the most curious, but also with a view to helping those who approach the world of work for the first time and are deciding if the window maker can be an interesting outlet.

Window fabricator: what is the window craftsman?

Window maker meaning : one who deals with window frames. Doors and windows are the architectural elements that close the openings in the masonry of a building.

The profession of the window maker refers to the one who possesses the skills to assemble and repair frames in aluminum, PVC, wood or any other material. The fixtures are the rigid and fixed part anchored to the masonry. The window maker has the task of hooking the window onto the frame. In some cases it is also able to make the windows by hand by itself.

We are not referring only to the windows classic swing, but also French windows onto balconies, doors, shutters, blinds and related bins, etc.

The window maker is a professional craftsman who plays a fundamental role in the insulation of a building . It is able to replace old windows with new models capable of saving energy in a building. This is thanks to the high technical and acoustic insulation characteristics of the new windows on the market.

The topic of energy saving is very fashionable today and this contributes to raising the demand for work, also thanks to the tax deductions that every year encourage people to replace old windows.

The windows are made to measure according to the specific needs of customers and the characteristics of the building where they will be placed. For this reason, the window maker is defined as the craftsman of windows : he is not a mere installer of prefabricated elements but a master in measuring measurements and evaluations regarding the world and windows. It is not a question of simply replacing an old window with a new one. So let's go and see in detail what a window maker does.

What does the window maker do?

As we have already said we are not dealing with a mere executor locked up in a laboratory, but with a professional craftsman specialized in the assembly and repair of windows.

Here are some of the main operations that a window maker carries out when a customer asks for his intervention to replace the fixtures:
  • He inspects the client's home, talks to him and defines a strategy respecting objectives and budget;
  • Constructs or assembles the fixtures with the relative accessories;
  • Install the product in the customer's home with precision and experience;
  • Check the quality of the installed product and that the installation has been correct, avoiding thermal bridges .

corsi per serramentista

How do you become a window maker?

Once you have passed the eighth grade, to become a window maker you need to enroll in the free three-year course organized by Miur (Ministry of Education, University and Research) which allows you to become a wood operator. Access to the lessons is allowed to people aged between 14 and 24 years.

Once the course is completed, the young person usually becomes the assistant of a craftsman who already works on the market. If you are an apprentice and are looking for a craftsman to work with, we recommend that you come in person to ask, rather than send your resume.

Obviously there are also advanced courses to improve one's preparation and exams to demonstrate one's preparation by obtaining relevant certificates. If you are interested in the subject, we advise you to read our article dedicated to the door and window installation license .

Window maker's salary: how much do window craftsmen earn?

A window maker can work either as an employee in a workshop owned by others, as a freelancer or as a business owner (also taking care of organizing the work of other people). Usually, as already mentioned, you start as an apprentice, become an employee and then decide to operate independently when you are able to manage your own laboratory.

As you can imagine, the salary of a professional window fabricator is also related to the level of experience. If we consider only the salary of an employee we can approximate the following figures:

  • Beginner apprentice with first experience or with less than 3 years of experience: average monthly salary that is around 1,400 euros net;
  • Mid-career worker , with 4-9 years of experience, on average he can earn around 1,600 euros per month as a paycheck;
  • Experienced worker with more than a decade of work experience earns an average of € 1,800 per month;
  • End-of-career worker with more than 20 years of experience, he has an overall average salary of 2,000 euros per month.

Obviously these are just average numbers that don't take into account many important factors. For example, no account is taken of the reputation that the window maker manages to build, from the number of customers and his ability to propose his work.

serramentista personal branding

New window makers? Great opportunities with personal branding

For example, a young window maker who knew how to adequately exploit the web today could build a reputation much faster than his older competitors. The advice we give you, if you want to become a window maker, is to immediately start building your personal brand online. You should create lots of interesting content to tell about your training path, the passion with which you do your job and why customers should choose you.

One way to start building your own personal brand as a window maker is to create a page on social media and share constant updates to showcase your skills.

In conclusion

We have seen how the old profession of the window maker has had to evolve to follow the needs of current demand. In this work, the ability to update and keep up with the times in the use of new technologies counts a lot. This situation translates into an advantage for the new generations who are approaching the profession of the window maker.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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