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Stars of Ecommerce Corriere: Windowo among the best

by Elia Caneppele 17 May 2024 commenti (0) scrivi commento

Ecommerce stars: Windowo among the best online stores according to Corriere della Sera.

"What are the companies with the best e-commerce reputation and the best ratings in terms of performance?"

If you have asked yourself this, you will be interested to know that there is a ranking of the 500 Italian excellences in the field of e-commerce.

Also for the year 2024, the survey was drawn up by Corriere della Sera L'Economia con Statista , an internationally famous research company.

We are proud to announce that for the second year in a row Windowo is among the Stars of Ecommerce.

E-Commerce Stars 2024

We are proud to announce that has been selected among " The Stars of E-Commerce 2024 ".

The ranking is published on the website and in the pages of "L'Economia" of Corriere della Sera on 16 October 2023 .

As with previous editions, the publication highlights the online stores that stand out in Italy for the quality of the service offered, according to the survey conducted by Statista.

Stelle dell'commerce - Windowo è tra i migliori negozi online Corriere della Sera

Windowo awarded among the Ecommerce Stars 2024 2023 2022 2021

How are we positioned in 2022? We are in third position (with a score of 91.61 out of 100) in Home Systems and Technology , within the furniture category.

And in 2021? Here is our positioning for the 2021 Ecommerce Stars (score 89.87).

The presence of among "The stars of E-commerce 2024 2023 2022 2021" is a success that has rewarded the work carried out on the site, its usability and performance for years.

stelle ecommerce 2022 Windowo Corriere della Sera

How are Ecommerce Stars selected?

The survey considered a large group of online sales sites (over 8000). Many different figures but united by the ability to stand out for results obtained and good reputation.

Starting from many online stores with the highest user traffic, the survey conducted selected only a few of these.

Then the best online stores were tested individually, with reference to 6 evaluation dimensions:
  • Shape and ease of use;
  • Facility security;
  • Payment methods ;
  • Purchase and delivery methods;
  • Customer care and communication;
  • Performance and technical details.

In addition to the tests, a survey was done. Over 3000 online consumers in Italy rated the appearance of online stores according to 8 subjective criteria (e.g. "The homepage is very clear").

The participants of the questionnaire indicated which criteria they consider most important when evaluating a particular online shop (for example "Security of customer data").

At the end of this procedure a feedback score from 0 to 100 was given.

The 500 online stores with the highest scores were awarded the " Stars of E-Commerce 2024 " award.

Why choose to buy online on Windowo?

We can now say that Windowo has been shining among the Ecommerce Stars of Corriere della Sera for many years.
Being recognized among the best online stores in 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 in Italy is an achievement we are very proud of.

We at Windowo are Ecommerce Stars in Italy and this is one more reason to trust our professionalism.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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