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Scenica Bettio mosquito net: which model to choose?

by Elia Caneppele 2 March 2023 commenti (1) scrivi commento

Scenica Bettio mosquito net: which model to choose? Guide to the features of Scenica, Miniscenica Evo and Picoscenica available on Windowo.

Bettio is the famous Italian company that produces mosquito nets for doors and windows . In the window and door sector it is highly appreciated for the quality and resistance of its products. In our experience, Bettio mosquito nets never break by themselves, but always as a result of an external damage factor such as a distracted person crossing the net, a playful pet, a lively child or a negligent installation.

The best mosquito net for everyone does not exist, it depends on what you are looking for

Over the years, we of the Windowo staff have often been asked which mosquito net was the best for doors or windows. By our precise choice, all the manufacturing companies we deal with make very reliable mosquito nets so we would not feel like recommending one company over the other. Each model has its strengths and weaknesses, but the mosquito nets that you find for sale on Windowo are all valid alternatives.

But we realized that, at least for the access doors to the balconies, we have a favorite mosquito net. In fact, for our homes in the vast majority of cases we have chosen to opt for a particular model. Mind you, not because it is the best, but because this specific side-scrolling mosquito net fully meets our particular needs. We are talking about the models of the Scenica family , the spearhead in the production of the Bettio company.

And it is precisely the Scenica insect screens for doors that we want to discuss in this article. We will try to explain why it is our favorite and, since there are different versions, evaluate which variant may be the most suitable for your home based on your specific needs.

Scenica Bettio: the mosquito net for doors with revolutionary characteristics

As anticipated, the most innovative mosquito net produced by Bettio is Scenica , of which there are several variants that are all part of the same large family. Why is it so special that we recommend it so strongly? Scenica is a family of side-scrolling mosquito nets with features and models that distinguish it from all the others currently available on the market.

Discover the technical characteristics that differentiate the insect screens of the Scenica family:

Here are all the models of the insect screens of the Scenica family:

  • Scenica : the timeless mosquito net that started the family;
  • Miniscenica Evo : the mosquito net that can be installed without holes, ideal for small rooms;
  • Picoscenica : the small size mosquito net for those with limited space.

Scenica has no barriers: the only mosquito net without floor and wall profile

The closure is completely barrier-free and therefore ideal for use with children, the elderly and people with disabilities.

scenica bettio mosquito net without floor and wall profile

Mosquito net with mobile guide (Bettio patent)

It allows you to slide it on the floor as if it were a sliding door. It is the first to have installed this practical system.

scenic bettio mosquito net with mobile guide

The Scenica mosquito net is the only one of its kind

For practicality, innovation, production quality and company technical assistance. If the mosquito net is damaged, we can have it repaired (contact us for information on this).

scenic bettio mosquito net unique of its kind

Scenica is the mosquito net that is easy to install even if you are not a professional fitter

You can assemble Bettio Scenica even if you are not a professional in the sector by scrupulously following the attached instruction booklet and viewing the video tutorials produced by the Bettio company.

scenic bettio mosquito net easy to install

Scenica is the ideal mosquito net even in the case of irregular walls

It can be adapted to different types of spaces, even with walls that are not perfectly regular.

scenic bettio mosquito net for irregular walls

Scenica is a reversible mosquito net

It can be mounted with sliding to the right or left, and you do not have to specify this during the purchase.

scenic bettio reversible mosquito net

A lifestyle choice: Bettio mosquito nets are 90% recyclable

Nowadays it is even more important to pay attention to your environmental impact, and therefore also to what you buy. Bettio mosquito nets are made of recyclable aluminum. Furthermore, the entire company production cycle is automated and attentive to sustainability.

scenica bettio mosquito net 90% recyclable

Which model to choose? Discover the Scenica, Miniscenica Evo and Picoscenica models

If you have chosen to buy Scenica, you will have to decide between 4 models available. Each model is available in one-leaf or two-leaf insect screen versions, depending on the space to be covered:

Scenica Bettio: the mosquito net that started the family

  • Standard model : it is the first of the family and is considered the standard model.
  • Large surfaces : can cover large surfaces, for example for access to the balcony.
  • Overall dimensions of the box 50 mm .
  • For normal needs : we recommend ordering this mosquito net if you have no special needs or space limitations.

Open the Scenica mosquito net tab

scenic bettio


Miniscenica Evo Bettio: the mosquito net without holes for smaller rooms

The Miniscenica insect screen has been updated and miniscenica Evo was born. Here are the characteristics of this insect screen that can be installed without holes.
  • For smaller rooms : it is recommended for dimensions (base height) smaller than the Scenica model.
  • Mosquito net without holes : it can be installed without holes as it can be "glued" in the installation compartment with a double-sided adhesive. No problem: in the package you will also find the screws to be able to mount it even in the traditional way.
  • Improved aesthetics : it is more beautiful and matches the home even better.
  • Greater smoothness : Scrolling is even quieter.
  • Major off-squad : greater regulation of off-squads.
  • Recommended mosquito net: if the measures allow it, we undoubtedly recommend installing this mosquito net.

Open the Miniscenica Evo mosquito net card

miniscenica evo bettio

Picoscenica Bettio: the mosquito net for those who have no space

  • Mosquito net for doors and balconies .
  • Footprint of only 25 mm : practically like 3 pencils.
  • Recommended for limited space : where, for example, the shutter takes up almost all the space. In some cases, we have also recommended it for windows, when there was not enough space.

Open the Picoscenica mosquito net tab

picoscenica bettio

Other useful information for choosing your mosquito nets

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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Elio G.
Avevo le zanzariere Miniscenica sulla terrazza di casa e sono andate benissimo per anni fino a quando il cane non le ha sfondate... ora mi ordino la versione aggiornata!
7 April 2020



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