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PVC or aluminum windows? Selection guide

by Elia Caneppele 15 January 2025 commenti (2) scrivi commento

Better PVC or aluminum for window frames? Discover advantages, disadvantages, differences, costs. Here is the complete guide to choosing window frames.

PVC or aluminum windows? In this guide we will explain the differences between PVC and aluminum frames.

We will discover together the pros and cons of each material compared to the other and we will try to answer the fateful question...

"PVC or aluminum, which is better for your windows?"

PVC or aluminum frames are better


"Are PVC or aluminum windows and doors better?"

Let's make a small premise: reading this article you will discover that there is no perfect material and a poor one, but that it is better to make a window in a certain way depending on where it will be mounted. We will also see how important it is to have a correct installation.

We at Windowo recommend that you do not trust sellers who sell you their products like gold while denigrating the features of all the other solutions on the market.
The truth is that if it were that simple, all windows would be made of the same material. Fortunately, there are many valid solutions and it is possible to choose based on your needs how to have your ideal window built.

PVC or aluminum window? Whatever the material your window frame is made of, Windowo is the right place. Discover the category dedicated to hardware for windows now.

If you wish, you can also watch the video " Windows: PVC or aluminum, which is better? ":

Frames: PVC or Aluminum? A Guide to Choosing


Cold cut or thermal cut aluminium windows

In the fateful choice between PVC or aluminum windows, let's start with the latter. Let's start by saying that there are two types of aluminum frames. Those made the old fashioned way, that is, cold-cut aluminum frames , composed of a profile entirely in aluminum. We can safely say that it is not convenient to build windows with cold-cut aluminum.

Why does it present these problems? Aluminum is a metal, therefore an excellent conductor. Therefore it has a high transmittance and for this reason it is not a good thermal insulator. The main risk is that it significantly lowers the energy efficiency of the house, forcing you to spend more on heating during the winter and to use air conditioning often in the summer.

Furthermore, traditional cold-cut aluminum frames, having very high thermal transmittance values, do not allow access to tax incentives for energy saving.

Fortunately, technology in this sector has evolved considerably over the years. To improve the energy efficiency of aluminium frames, thermally cut aluminium frames were created, which feature insulating material.   between the internal profile and the external profile.

This area of plastic material with reduced thermal conductivity, called polyamide, allows for high thermal insulation and lower dispersion. To achieve thermal values comparable to PVC or wood, the internal insulation must be very thick. Therefore, the dimensions of the window become more important and affect the costs of the materials and therefore the final price.

Even thermally insulated aluminum windows and doors may feel cold to the touch, but we know that this is due to the difference in temperature between the human body and the material in question, not to heat loss.

On Windowo you can buy the best accessories for aluminum windows: click here to discover them!


PVC Windows: Quality Depends on the Factory That Produces Them

PVC or aluminum windows? Now it's the turn of the second material of the dispute.

PVC, which stands for “polyvinyl chloride,” is a plastic material that originates from natural raw materials. It is a material that by nature does not conduct, excellent for building windows because it is a natural thermal cut. In fact, if it is zero degrees outside and twenty inside, if we touch the profile on the outside we will feel cold but on the inside our sensation will be of heat.

With PVC there is no risk of condensation since there is no contact between hot and cold (it is waterproof even in the case of very high temperature changes). The window made of this material is also very good at an acoustic level since the frame and the sash are made up of multiple air chambers. If adequate glass is then added, the noise will not be able to easily penetrate inside the house.

It does not require any maintenance and is very easy to clean (just hot water with detergent, the glass and gaskets can be cleaned using detergent products or water with vinegar).

Furthermore, an aspect that should certainly not be underestimated is that PVC usually offers a better quality/price ratio than aluminium, provided that its characteristics are those best suited to your home.
In short, PVC windows are excellent, provided that they are produced and built by specialized companies with daily quality control and certifications obtained through laboratory tests.

For example, we know several Italian PVC window factories. We know that it takes years to collect certifications and security affirm the characteristics of your fixtures, tested and approved by severe and rigorous Certification Bodies. In short, nothing should be left to chance if you want to obtain a high quality result.

From the design point of view, considered by many to be the weak point of PVC, in reality this material can satisfy all needs with all types of colors. For example, it is possible to obtain a truly realistic and high-quality wood effect.

Did you know that on Windowo there are various UPVC Window Parts for sale? If you are interested you can visit the dedicated category.

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"Are wooden windows effective?"

Aluminum or PVC or... wood!

As in the case of PVC, wood is an insulating material used for the construction of window frames. The latest generation wooden frames are normally treated with ecological water-based paints and guaranteed from 7 to 15 years (depending on the treatment cycle they are subjected to). Thanks to these important improvements, complicated maintenance is not necessary for wooden frames , as is often said.

What corrodes the paint is the dust that, wetted by water and dried by the sun, creates particles that have a corrosive effect. To avoid this, just keep the window clean on the outside and use a specific product that nourishes and revives the paint.

Accessories for wooden window frames: click and discover the best ones on sale on Windowo!


So, are windows made of PVC, aluminum or wood better?

Let's summarize in a few words what we have said up to this point:
  • No to cold-cut aluminum windows;
  • No to thermally broken aluminum frames with minimal insulation;
  • Yes to thermally broken aluminium windows with excellent insulation;
  • Yes to high quality PVC windows ;
  • Yes to wooden or wood/aluminium window frames .

The truth is that there is no better material but the conscious choice must be based above all on two criteria:
  1. Where the window in question will be installed;
  2. How will this installation be carried out?

Qualified window installation makes the difference!

So when choosing between aluminum or PVC windows and doors, it is actually the installation that makes the real difference.

To give you some data, the installation affects approximately 80% of the real performance of a window. This is because the best window installed badly remains a window that does not work and will always give you problems, regardless of the material it was made of. Incorrect installation will nullify all the certifications obtained.

Clarifications on windows: if you have any doubts contact us

Finally, we at Windowo want to leave you with one last important message in choosing PVC or aluminum windows and doors: we recommend that you turn to an expert who is not interested in giving you one material rather than another . Priority must be given only to your needs.

Now that you know the differences between the different materials you will surely be able to make a more informed choice.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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Invia commento
Very interesting article
26 January 2024
Paola Fernandez
Muchas gracias por compartir esta guía de selección, me ha servido de mucha ayuda ya que quiero cambiar las ventanas de mi casa. Excelente contenido.
27 May 2021



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