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MADE expo Milan Rho fair

by Elia Caneppele 8 January 2024 commenti (1) scrivi commento
MADE expo Milan Rho fair building design architecture

MADE expo: the Milan Rho fair dedicated to construction, design and architecture

  • When? Every two years;
  • Next edition: from 17 to 20 March 2021;
  • Where is it? Fiera Milano Rho;
  • Official site: .
Are you interested in the MADE expo? Watch the dedicated video!

MADE expo: the FAIR not to be missed! Milan Rho, March 17-20, 2021

The most important Italian event in the construction sector

MADE expo is the most important meeting place for companies, architects, engineers, designers, window makers, construction companies, retailers and operators in the sector in Italy.

It is held every 2 years in March in Milan Rho . The conference is organized in different pavilions and in four Salons: MADE Constructions and Materials, MADE Envelope and Windows, MADE Interior and Finishes, MADE Software, Technologies and Services. The opportunity is to find all the specializations and at the same time to see them dialogue.

In its previous editions, MADE expo has confirmed itself as one of the leading European events for the world of architecture and construction, a multi-specialized fair addressed to project professionals, companies, traders, installers / craftsmen.

This event has grown over the years and now includes the entire chain of 'building and construction, with a focus on innovative technologies and sustainable materials of the future.

MADE Envelope and Serramenti, the Italian exhibition dedicated to fixtures

We at Windowo are particularly interested in the part of the fair dedicated to doors and windows. Inside the MADE expo you can find MADE Envelope and Serramenti : the Italian exhibition entirely dedicated to doors and windows. There are all the news dedicated to doors and windows in terms of technology, comfort, design, sustainability and safety.

Offering the best performance in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability of building and living: to perform this task is called MADE Envelope and Serramenti. The show offers the most innovative materials and solutions in the field of windows, facades, closing systems, shading and sun protection, which give high performance to the building.

MADE Envelope e Serramenti presents the largest catalog of products and specialized companies to technical designers, companies and window frames to promote new business opportunities through dedicated meetings, events and workshops, which will involve the main trade associations in the sector.

Here are the sectors of the Envelope and Doors and Windows Exhibition:
  • Windows;
  • Facade systems;
  • Coatings for exteriors;
  • Roofing;
  • Technical and industrial closures;
  • Automation and home automation;
  • Solar shields;
  • Technical curtains and fabrics;
  • Pergolas;
  • Gazebo;
  • Outdoor and leisure;
  • Glass and accessories;
  • Profiles, hardware and components for doors and windows;
  • Semi-finished products, accessories and technologies for windows and facades;
  • Thermal insulating monobloc systems;
  • Shutters, shutters and roller shutters;
  • Protections and security systems for doors and windows;
  • Machines and plants for the production of doors and windows.

Visitors to the MADE expo fair recommend going there!

91% of the visitors interviewed recommend a visit to the MADE expo. You can't miss it! MADE expo is an initiative of MADE Eventi Srl and Federlegno Arredo Eventi Spa, organized by MADE Eventi srl and promoted by FederlegnoArredo and UNCSAAL.

Do you want to find out more about all the other events? Read now the article dedicated to the main window and door fairs on the Windowo blog.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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Molto interessante l'idea della fiera del MADE di "costruire connessioni" tra i diversi saloni... Se si vuole rilanciare l'edilizia bisogna continuare a rafforzare i legami tra le aziende, le associazioni di settore e il territorio.
14 October 2019



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