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Land registry survey: what it is and how to request it

by Elia Caneppele 15 November 2023 commenti (0) scrivi commento

Land registry survey - What is it according to the Revenue Agency

The cadastral survey allows the consultation of cadastral deeds and documents and allows you to discover:
  • identification and income data of immovable assets such as land and buildings;
  • personal data of persons, natural or legal, holders of real estate;
  • graphic data of land (cadastral map) and urban real estate units (plans);
  • monographs of the fiducial points (topographic detail, identified and geometrically defined) and of the vertices of the cadastral network;
  • planimetric document (list of subordinates and graphic representation);
  • documents updating the land register.

The cadastral information is public with access allowed to anyone (unlike the consultation of plans reserved for those entitled to the property or delegates), by paying the special cadastral taxes.

The holders of property rights or other enjoyment rights can request free consultation, exempt from taxes , for the properties of which they are the owners in the land register (personal consultation).

It is possible to request the release of:
  • current views by subject;
  • historical surveys by subject or property.

The documents are released in two different formats, analytical and synthetic. The analytical survey uses the recent graphic layout introduced with the transition to the new SIT (Integrated Territory System) IT platform, while the synthetic survey is provided in tabular format.
In summary: the cadastral survey is a document that provides detailed information on a property , such as its location, size, value and ownership. To obtain it, there are various methods. Read on to learn more.

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What is map viewing?

The cadastral map is the graphic representation of the land through the identification and graphic description of the parcels registered in the Land Registry, providing of these the shape and position of the lines that delimit the state property (roads, waters, etc.) and of the administrative districts. The outline of any buildings present is also represented and the trigonometric points and fiducial points are indicated.

You can request a " map extract " regarding one or more neighboring parcels or an entire map sheet. The survey shows the position and geometry of the Land Registry parcel and any overlying buildings, referring to a specific portion of the cadastral sheet.

What is the floor plan inspection?

The cadastral plan is the technical drawing of a real estate unit registered in the Land Registry, from which it is possible to deduce the contours, subdivision and destination of the internal rooms, metric data and numerous other information.

The plan can be requested free of charge by the holders of real rights, listed in the land registry, or by their delegates.

How and where to request the cadastral survey?

Consultation of the cadastral data archived in the computer database, relating to properties present on the national territory, can be requested, with the exception of the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano,
The survey contains information relating to the parcels registered in the Land Registry and the assets registered in the Building Registry (real estate units, common goods, flat roofs, etc.), the cadastral map and the plans representing the urban real estate units.

In the case of computerized data, the certificate is issued to the applicant in paper format if requested at the counters or as a PDF file if requested electronically. To consult the data available only on paper it is necessary to go to the competent Provincial Office - Territory.

How much does the cadastral survey cost?

The release of the cadastral surveys provides for the payment of special cadastral taxes .

The exemption from the payment of special taxes is applied only in the cases provided for by specific provisions of law (for example, the holders, even in part, of property rights or other real rights of enjoyment, can request free and exempt consultation of taxes, for the properties of which they are owners in the land register).

For each survey provided by the "Telematic cadastral survey" service, the amount due as a special cadastral tax is calculated by applying the current rate decreased by 10 percent, because it refers to surveys provided electronically, and increased by 50 percent, since of information provided on a non-conventional basis.

In particular, in the case of:
  • inspection per person, the amount is 1.35 euros for every 10 real estate units, or fraction of 10
  • title search, current or historical, per property, the amount is 1.35 euros
  • map inspection, the amount is 1.35 euros.

Search methods for cadastral survey data

The cadastral survey, in relation to a specific reference period, can be requested using different search methods:
  • for property
  • by subject
  • per game

Search by property
The consultation is carried out using two possible search keys:
  • the cadastral identifier of the real estate, i.e. the cadastral parcel for the Land Registry or the urban real estate unit for the Building Registry;
  • the address of the urban real estate unit. In this case the search is limited to the archive of the Building Registry only.

Search by subject
It is possible to consult the cadastral information of a property, registered in the name of one or more subjects, by entering the personal data of the interested party: surname, name, gender, tax code if a natural person, name and registered office if a legal person.
The search can be carried out in the archives of both the Land Registry and the Building Registry.

Search by game
The lot (now disused) is a number that identifies the set of properties over which the same subjects (land registry company) simultaneously have rights, in a given period.
The consultation which uses the lot as a search key therefore provides the cadastral data of the properties referring to the same cadastral company.
The search is limited to the Land Registry only or the Building Registry only.

The reference period
In relation to a specific reference period, the cadastral consultations which may have the following content:
  • current , if referred to the current cadastral situation
  • historical , if referring to all situations relating to the requested period.


How to read the cadastral survey?

Cadastral identifiers of a real estate property
To search for a property within the national archives, it is necessary to indicate its cadastral identifiers. Below are some clarifications regarding their use and meaning:
  • Land registry municipality : generally, for each municipality, the territorial border identified in the land registry coincides with the corresponding municipal administrative border. The user can then refer to the name of the administrative municipality. The data is always mandatory. In general, the common code is made up of 4 characters coinciding with those that appear in the tax code from the 12th to the 15th character. In some territorial situations, due to failure to execute a change in the cadastral documents following the modification of the borders between Municipalities, or the establishment of new Municipalities, the user finds himself in the need to indicate the cadastral municipality of reference. In this regard, it is possible to check the state of alignment of the cadastral archives with the new administrative realities (so-called "district change") using the online service Consultation Archive of Municipalities and Foreign States.
  • Administrative section (for the buildings cadastre only): subdivision of the territory of the cadastral municipality present only in some territorial contexts and therefore generally not required. It is ordinarily identified by a letter. Where present, the data is necessary for the cadastral identification of the property.
  • Census section (for the land registry only): subdivision of the territory of the cadastral municipality present only in some municipalities and therefore generally not required. It is ordinarily identified by a letter. Where present, the data is necessary for the cadastral identification of the property.
  • Urban section (for the buildings register only): further subdivision of the municipal territory present, regardless of the existence of the administrative section, only in some municipalities and therefore in general it is not required. It is ordinarily identified by a name of up to three characters. Although the data is necessary if present in the cadastral identifier of the property sought, the online query service assists the user by providing the list of properties that respond to the partial data provided and from which to select the one of specific interest.
  • Sheet : portion of municipal territory that the land registry represents in its cartographic maps. The data is always mandatory.
  • Parcel : also called map or map number, it represents within the sheet, a portion of land, or the building and any relevant area, and is marked, with rare exceptions, by a number. The data is always mandatory.
  • Denominator : data possibly present only for properties that belong to the Land Registry (provinces of Trieste and Gorizia and portions of those of Udine and Belluno).
  • Subaltern : for the Building Registry, where present, identifies the single real estate unit existing on a parcel. The urban real estate unit is the minimum inventory element that has income and functional autonomy. Generally, in the case of an entire building, each real estate unit is identified by its own subordinate. If the building consists of a single real estate unit, the subordinate may be absent. The data, if existing, is necessary for the unambiguous identification of the individual real estate unit; otherwise, the system will produce the list of urban real estate units having the same parcel for the purpose of their subsequent individual selection. For the Land Registry, where present it essentially refers to former rural buildings.

Data on properties registered in the Building Registry
  • Address : location of the property, including the house number, staircase, floor and interior of the property unit.
  • Census area: homogeneous portion of municipal territory (usually only one for medium-small municipalities and more than one for larger cities), within which the profitability of buildings is to be considered uniform. It may include a single municipality or a portion of the same, with similar environmental and socioeconomic characteristics. For each census area there is a specific "tariff table" which can be consulted at the provincial office - Territory of the Agency.
  • Category : typology of real estate units present in the census area, different due to the intrinsic characteristics that determine their ordinary and permanent destination.
  • Class : parameter that identifies the degree of productivity of the real estate units belonging to the categories of groups A, B and C. It is indicated with 'U' (unique) in the absence of a division into classes of the category (this, since profitability is homogeneous within the municipality or census area) or with numbers from '1' to 'n' as profitability increases.
  • Consistency : size of the real estate unit. For homes and offices (category A properties) it is expressed in "rooms". For shops, warehouses and garages (category C properties) it is expressed in square metres. For properties for collective use, hospitals, barracks, etc. (category B properties), it is expressed in cubic metres. For properties belonging to the special categories of groups D and E, the cadastral consistency is not indicated.
  • Income : for real estate units belonging to the categories of groups A, B and C, the cadastral income is determined by multiplying the consistency by the specific unit rate for the Municipality, census area and corresponding to the category and class. For real estate units belonging to category D and E groups, the income is determined through direct estimation.

Data on properties registered in the Land Registry
  • Quality : type of agricultural macroculture attributed to a parcel of the Land Registry, or portion thereof, having relevance for the conservation of the Land Registry. If the parcel is divided into portions with different crops, the wording "Model 26" is reported without further details available only through an ordinary inspection.
  • Class : parameter that identifies the degree of productivity of the particles affected by a crop quality. It is indicated with 'U' (unique) in the absence of a division into classes of the category (this is because profitability is homogeneous within the Municipality or census area) or with the numbers from '1' to 'n' where class 1 represents the highest income class.
  • Ha : surface area of the land in hectares (for the synthetic survey).
  • Are : surface area of the land in ares (for the synthetic view).
  • Ca : surface area of the land in centimeters (for the synthetic survey).
  • Surface : surface area in square meters of the land (for analytical inspection).
  • Domain income : it is made up of the part of the average ordinary income that can be drawn from the exercise of agricultural activities, which belongs to the owner of the land. It is related to the quality of the land and its ordinary average productivity.
  • Agricultural income : is made up of the part of the ordinary average income of the land attributable to the working capital and organizational work used, within the limits of the potential of the land, in the exercise of agricultural activities. It is related to the quality of the land and its ordinary average productivity.

For any further information on how to read a cadastral survey, consult the guide " The new cadastral survey ".

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How to request the cadastral survey at the counter?

Provincial offices - Territory
The data of the properties present throughout the national territory can be consulted at any provincial office - Territory, provided they are included in the computer database, with the exception of the offices of Trento and Bolzano, in which the service is managed by the respective autonomous provinces.

The certificate is issued on the same day as the request.

Consultation of non-computerized documents is, however, only possible at the competent provincial office

To obtain the cadastral survey, users must complete the request form .

The service is free if it is requested in relation to real estate for which the applicant is the owner, even in part, of the ownership rights or other real rights of enjoyment. In other cases, the tax foreseen in the table of special cadastral taxes applies.
Attention : in most cases the information is already entered into the computer database and the desk issues a plain paper document containing the results of the search. If, however, it is necessary to consult the paper documents, it is possible to make notes and notes on the research data.

Decentralized land registry offices
The cadastral inspection of the computerized documents can also be requested at the decentralized cadastral offices activated in the offices of the Municipalities, Mountain Communities, Unions of Municipalities and Associations of Municipalities.

To obtain the cadastral survey, users must complete the specific request form .

How to request the cadastral survey online?

Personal consultation
The online consultation service allows access to the cadastral and mortgage database relating to the properties of which the requesting party is the owner, even by share, of the right of ownership or other real rights of enjoyment and to obtain free of charge and exempt from taxes, on files in PDF format, current and historical surveys of the real estate unit, map surveys, planimetric surveys and mortgage inspections.

To access the service you must have credentials from the Public Digital Identity System (Spid), Electronic Identity Card (CIE) or National Services Card (CNS).

Telematic cadastral survey
The telematic cadastral survey service allows electronic access to the cadastral databases even if the applicant does not own even part of the property.

You can ask:
  • current cadastral surveys by subject, i.e. limited to the properties on which the person sought is currently the owner of real rights (the release of the historical survey by subject is not currently envisaged)
  • current or historical surveys of a property (registered in the Land Registry or Building Registry), setting up the search through the cadastral identifiers
  • cadastral surveys of the map, of a parcel registered in the Land Registry, setting up the search through the cadastral identifiers.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

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