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How to keep mosquitoes away: natural remedies

by Elia Caneppele 23 May 2024 commenti (0) scrivi commento

How to keep mosquitoes away? Here are the best natural remedies against mosquitoes: natural and ecological methods. Mosquito nets, aromatic plants, essential oils. I'll explain how to "lead" that damned mosquito.

Natural remedies against mosquitoes are a clever way to avoid being "eaten" every night.

In fact, in every family there is always the most appetizing morsel. The chosen one spends long sleepless nights chasing the mosquito that torments him. In the morning the signs of defeat are evident: thick dark circles under the eyes and bites everywhere. Do you know something about it?

If you have decided to sharpen your weapons with natural mosquito remedies yet to be tested, then you are in the right place. Here you can find plenty: I'll tell you about the natural remedies to keep mosquitoes away and the most effective mechanical remedies to keep them from entering the house , such as the always reliable mosquito net. In short, continue reading, the nights chasing mosquitoes end here.
What is the most advanced mosquito net of the moment, equipped with a special innovative opening system and a whole series of patented features? Find out more about Neoscenica Bettio.

come allontanare zanzare - rimedi naturali contro le zanzare

How to keep mosquitoes away?

Have you wondered how to eliminate mosquitoes from your home ? Know that the fight has been going on for centuries and, let's face it, we have invented all kinds of things: some Italian municipalities have even decided to install "bat boxes" in city parks, shelters for bats - the number one public enemy of mosquitoes .

Well, don't worry: here I won't advise you to install a bat box in your garden – especially if you love bats even less than mosquitoes – and I won't even advise you to sublet your balcony to a family of lizards or geckos. Let's be practical: there are much simpler and more effective natural remedies against mosquitoes to win the battle against mosquitoes. As…

The mosquito net: the simplest natural remedy against mosquitoes of all!

Let's start with the mosquito net because it is the only way to keep mosquitoes out of the house. I challenge you to find a more effective one! The mosquito net does not claim victims and protects you from mosquitoes in an environmentally friendly way. Ecological? Yes, because it saves you from the repeated use of chemical repellents, and not only for this reason: the best companies have started producing mosquito nets with environmentally friendly materials and processes .

I am referring for example to the Bettio mosquito nets, which are 90% recyclable. You can find them in our custom-made mosquito nets e-shop.

zanzariera Bettio

But it didn't end here. In addition to being an impassable barrier for mosquitoes, sliding mosquito nets are also effective for another reason: they allow you to keep the windows open and circulate the air in the house, thus reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the rooms . So what? Maybe you still don't know that carbon dioxide is a chemical that attracts mosquitoes – they can sense it even from 164 meters away. What a nose!

A common case : you have mosquito nets for windows or installed on doors, but despite this there are mosquitoes in the house... and not even a few! What could it depend on? This usually happens when the mosquito nets are worn out and the insects manage to find a hole to enter through. In this case, you are at a crossroads:
  • Repair the mosquito net , as long as it is not too damaged.
  • Replace the mosquito nets . You don't have to look far: here in our e-commerce you will find a selection of the best brands of custom-made mosquito nets - including Bettio, the ecological mosquito nets I was telling you about.

As far as the "mosquitoes in the house" chapter is concerned, we are okay. But outside? Well, grandma's natural remedies come to your aid outdoors.

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Kitchen ingredients to fight mosquitoes

Let's open the chapter " mosquito nets for balconies " or "mosquitoes in the garden". A very annoying chapter that tells stories of outdoor dinners seasoned with the smell (certainly not pleasant) of the zampirone, or of naps in nature interrupted by a mosquito buzzing in your ears. Let's put a happy ending to these stories with some remedies from the kitchen.

The coffee . Its smell is hated by mosquitoes, did you know that? Save the coffee grounds and pour them into the soil of the pots. You can also use coffee beans, to be buried or placed in saucers where there is often stagnant water - the beans will also kill the larvae. To make them run away with spread wings, you can also burn ground or coffee beans.

Lemon and vinegar . These are two other effective ingredients for repelling mosquitoes. Cut a few slices of lemon and dip them in a bowl filled with white vinegar.

Onion and cloves . The recipe is simple: half an onion in a saucer and sprinkle with cloves to taste. But be careful: the onion could ward off not only mosquitoes, but also the most sensitive noses.

It's all from the kitchen. Now let's move on to the plants.

How to repel mosquitoes with plants?

The plants that keep mosquitoes at bay are, lo and behold, also the ones you use most in the kitchen during the summer. So you have two very good reasons to fill the windowsill with jars of mint and basil . In addition to these, also add lavender, lemongrass, lemon verbena, geraniums and catambra - a plant that is odorless to us, but which quietly gives off scents that are very unpleasant to mosquitoes.

piante aromatiche contro zanzare

Speaking of plants: avoid stagnant water in saucers , as this is where mosquitoes lay their eggs. To make them inhospitable places even in the presence of water, you can insert a copper coin into the saucer . These are 100% grandmother's mosquito remedies.

How to keep mosquitoes away from the body: essential oils against mosquitoes and homeopathic remedies

How to keep mosquitoes away from your body? We continue "to take them by the nose", this time with the essential oils most hated by these small insects , such as lavender essential oil, lemon essential oil, tea tree oil, lemongrass essential oil, peppermint oil, soy (few people know, but soy oil is an excellent repellent!) or geranium oil.

Then there is also the lesser-known neem oil which, with its antibacterial, antiseptic and antiparasitic properties, also keeps mosquitoes away from our skin.

oli essenziali contro zanzare

Some of the oils I have listed you can spread on your skin (better if diluted) as an anti-mosquito lotion, others are to be spread in the environment. In herbalist's shops they will explain to you how to use them.

And while you're at the herbalist's shop, ask for information on Ledum Palustre , a plant used to ward off insects. Behind this unknown name hides, in reality, the simple wild rosemary which has an extraordinary power to make your blood a much less delicious dish for mosquitoes - the result varies from person to person.

As you can see, I tried to avoid explaining how to eliminate mosquitoes at home , because in the end they too have the right to live: we just need to do it as far away as possible!

The buzz of a mosquito? Thanks to these mosquito remedies you will never remember it again!

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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