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How to get rid of green bedbugs naturally

by Elia Caneppele 28 May 2024 commenti (2) scrivi commento
come eliminare cimici verdi in modo naturale

Systems to eliminate green bugs in a natural way

Green bedbugs, natural systems to keep them away from the house, the garden and eliminate bad smell.

Green bugs , let's face it right away, are not harmful to humans and animals but they are harmful to plants. For humans they are unpleasant for the noise they make when they fly and for the stinking and persistent odor they leave in the environment and in the hands.

How to get rid of green bedbugs? There are different types of natural systems to keep them away from our homes. There are also mosquito nets suitable to keep bed bugs away, as there are outdoor traps or natural remedies to get rid of them.

Green bugs are particularly harmful to tomato plants, which is why it is also called the "tomato bug". It transmits to plants different types of diseases such as Bacteriosis, making the fruits smelly points and therefore inedible.

In addition to tomato crops, green bugs also attack hazelnuts, leguminous plants, orchids and grasses. Since they do not transmit diseases to humans, there are no intervention plans on the part of the ASL and the Municipal Administrations, as there are for mosquitoes.

The female specimens are the most resistant to cold, become larger and take on a brownish and reddish color. These specimens, precisely because of their ability to adapt to the cold, are the ones that infest our homes in winter.

If in spring and summer they stay above all among the plants, in autumn between September and October in the first cold evening, they sneak into our homes in search of heat.

They find refuge everywhere: in the skirting boards, in the furniture, on the beams, in the wardrobes and also in the beds but above all they are attracted to the light so they rest on chandeliers and lamps.

Natural remedies for bedbugs

There are natural remedies for green and brown bedbugs, which differ between external and internal.

How to get rid of green bedbugs? Here are the most used bed bug remedies:

  • For the plants we have on the balconies it is advisable to clean the leaves manually and we can use a solution of neem oil or you can buy organic and natural insecticides such as potassium soap.
  • To eliminate green bugs from the garden, we must sow different types of plants because monoculture favors their proliferation.
  • We can also build houses for birds which are the natural predators of bedbugs.
  • To eliminate green and brown bugs from our home we can prepare an infusion of soap and water and spray it in the places where the green bugs in the house nest more. Marseille soap against bedbugs dehydrates and kills them. Equipping the home with anti bedbugs mosquito nets is certainly one of the valid solutions to which to resort.

Traps: a solution for how to get rid of green bedbugs

The green bug is an opponent not to be underestimated. There are outdoor traps to get rid of bedbugs and prevent their proliferation.

Among the most recommended bed bug traps are pheromone traps, substances that pretend to be hormones and push green bedbugs into traps.

DIY green insect traps are a good solution and you just need to have a plastic bottle lined with textured paper and open on your head. Inside you can put a DIY bed bug f eromone, made with hot water, sugar and teaspoons of yeast.

Lately, a trap that combines chromatic attractiveness and pheromones is also available on the market, which seems to be the most valid biological solution for the elimination of green bugs in the home and any other type of green insect.

Anti bedbugs mosquito nets

Rather than looking for ways to get rid of green bedbugs, you may decide to move them away peacefully. To keep green bugs away, you should create barriers to their passage, preventing them from penetrating inside.

Installing anti-bedbug screens on all our windows is certainly the best and natural defense system. Windowo proposes as a solution an anti-bugs insect screen for the Estetika Bettio window that is made to measure. It is possible to choose, among the existing colors, the one that best suits your windows. The cost is around 100 euros and is a very valid solution to keep mosquitoes and bedbugs away.

A remedy to stop the spread of bedbugs in the vegetable gardens in the bud is to put nets on the leaves of fruit plants so that the female specimens cannot lay their eggs.

These nets must be placed between April and May in the period of their mating and subsequently removed, so as to allow pollination.

How to get rid of green bedbugs in the house? To keep these annoying green insects away, the combined use of:

  • mosquito nets to repair the interior of the house;
  • traps or other remedies to limit the proliferation of bedbugs in the garden or on balcony plants.


How long do green bedbugs live

If you are looking for how to get rid of green bugs, it may be important to find out more about these green bugs. Green bedbugs live around two years. They belong to the Pentatomidae family and their scientific name is Nezara Viridula .

It seems that they are native to Ethiopia and like all Heteroptera, the order to which these insects belong, they have a very unpleasant smell ; for this reason, green bedbugs do not have many predators and the few that do have focus on their eggs.

At the beginning of May they begin to come out of their warm nests and, after a fortnight, they lay their eggs in the lower part of the leaves.

These eggs have an elliptical shape and are light green in color. A female can lay up to 400 eggs, usually in groups of 20-30 that hatch between 3 and 7 days. After 2 or 3 months they begin to flutter and annoy with that noise that makes us wake up at night.

What do bedbugs eat

Green bugs and brown bugs feed on the sap of plants and prefer those with sugary fruits, they secrete that pestiferous and persistent smell from the glands of the chest only if they are bothered, but this happens easily.

How to get rid of the smell of green bedbugs from your hands

Bedbugs enter the house by taking advantage of the open windows and, after having fluttered noisily around the rooms, they rest everywhere. We can find them everywhere, in the most unexpected places of our home and if we are not careful we can also find them inside the pots.

Green bed bugs in the house ? Be careful not to crush the green bug, it would release a bad smell throughout the house, which is difficult to eliminate. I recommend that you catch them holding a paper towel in your hand and bring them back out to make them fly away. Despite the precaution of the paper handkerchief, the bug that releases as a defense weapon this terrible stench will leave an unpleasant smell on our hands that will struggle to go away even after washing your hands with plenty of soap.

To remove the smell of green bedbugs at home, the best remedies are:

  • Marseille soap or dish soap,
  • the stainless steel soaps that we use in the kitchen to eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • wash your hands with lemon and vinegar together;
  • or finally we can sprinkle denatured alcohol on our hands.

If you want to read even more content on green bedbugs in the home, we recommend our article: Bedbugs in the house? Remove it with the Estetika Bettio mosquito net .

Finally, we suggest you watch the video on the Estetika Bettio anti-bug mosquito net that you find on Youtube:

zanzariera anti cimice estetika bettio

We hope that our guide on how to get rid of green bugs in the house and green bugs has been useful to you.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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