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How to be on the first page of Google?

by Elia Caneppele 2 March 2022 commenti (0) scrivi commento

How to be on the first page of Google? Discover our method explained quickly and easily.

I am Elia Caneppele of the Windowo staff and today I want to talk to you about how to raise a link , that is a link to your site, on the front page of Google Italy.

Obviously having a link on the first page on Google brings great benefits. In particular, if you direct users to an online store like Windowo, you can significantly increase your sales chances .

People search for certain words, so-called keywords or keywords on Google.

If we are on the front page for these terms, people will most likely end up clicking one of our links. The customer will enter our online store where they can read the product sheet and perhaps, if we have done the content well, this potential customer could decide to buy our product or service.

So the message is simple: if you are first on Google you are much more likely to sell.

come essere in prima pagina su google

How to be the first on Google? The advantages of the organic system

There are two methods: the first is to become first by paying .

This system is important but we don't care for the purpose of this episode. In fact, today I would like to focus on the free system called organic positioning .

The main advantages of the non-paid system are essentially two: the first is that you remain first in time , while with the paid system, when you stop paying, you obviously lose the positioning obtained.

The second advantage of the organic method is that people see that it is not an announcement but a result obtained with our skill. Users will therefore be well disposed towards our connection because they know that it is a quality result obtained with sweat.

So the question we now have to ask is how to get first page ranking without paying? We can achieve this by giving Google what it seeks . Easy? If it really were, we would all be on the front page, which obviously isn't possible.

The factors that influence the Google algorithm

Google is always looking to improve itself to remain the best search engine in the world. For this it must give users more and more performing search results.

Fortunately , no one knows the Google algorithm , but from my experience I can tell you that the positioning on the first page essentially depends on two big factors.

The first concerns the landing page on which we make those who click on our link go. We must try to provide a result that is as consistent as possible with the request of the person looking for.

For example, if a person searches for the keyword "bananas" we cannot propose a page with all the fruit and think we are among the first. On that page we only have to propose bananas. Point.

The second factor consists in demonstrating that the site in which the landing page is contained is a place full of related content, that it is serious and reliable, perhaps lasting over time.

In the example above of bananas we have to prove to Google that we have a serious site dedicated to the sale of fruit.

So it is not enough that the page is connected to the series of words typed in the search engine but it will also be essential that the entire site is consistent with the page contained in it.

The example of Windowo, the online shop for window items

Let's take an example touched and concrete: our site, Windowo , sells, among other things, many handles for doors and windows.

There are about 2000 models on sale and they are all contained in the handles macro category.

This also applies to individual models. But then at the beginning of 2019 I realized, a bit late to tell the truth, that the generic category of handles was not as well indexed as the products contained in it. If a customer searched for the words handle shop or handle sale on Google, he couldn't find anyone. On the other hand, there were our competitors who sold fewer models of handles.

So what have I done to change this nefarious result? I started looking at how my competitors linked to their pages and found that my handles macro category was indexed for wrong words that no one would ever search for.

So obviously it wasn't Google's fault but mine alone . You cannot expect the search engine to propose your pages on its own for words that you never use within them.

Pages must contain keywords. It seems obvious but it is not at all.

I then redid the page by inserting as many keywords as possible that interested me ... and if you go and check today you will find that if you type the words shop handles on Google, the Windowo online shop is at the top.

Another example to understand how to be on the first page on Google

I applied the principles I have just described to you also for the writing of this same article.

I identified the following keywords, for which I wanted to index this content as high as possible in the SERP (which are the search engine results pages), and inserted them into the text:

  • google front page,
  • appear on google front page,
  • how to be on the first page on google,
  • site on the front page google,
  • first page on google,
  • be on the first page on google.

Do you want a concrete demonstration that this technique works?

The very fact that you are reading this content proves that my technique worked and produced the result I was hoping for.

The right choice of keywords is essential

The message I wanted to convey to you is therefore that you can create all the content you want, done in the best way, but if you do not take into account what your potential customers are looking for you will not make any sales.

Take some time to study which keywords are important to your business and then struggle to make it to the front page. In this sense, tools like SEOZoom and Semrush can help you.

On the pages you create, write meta titles and meta descriptions that are very short and concise and that contain only those combinations of words that you think are useful. For example in my case I would say "Door handles: shop and online sale". End.

Try not to choose too general combinations of words because the less specific you are, the more you will have to fight to win a place on the podium. This is why when creating an online store it is important to focus on small market niches avoiding too penetrated sectors (where the competition is already hyper aggressive).

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce and blogs, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Below I leave you the links to my social networks: I can't wait to get in touch with you personally.

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