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Controlled Mechanical Ventilation

by Elia Caneppele 9 December 2021 commenti (0) scrivi commento

Controlled Mechanical Ventilation in the Counterframe of the Door or Window

How to reduce the harmful effects caused by the uncontrolled exploitation of non-renewable energy resources on our buildings? How to improve the energy behavior of my building? How to avoid unnecessary environmental, social and economic waste?

The most suitable solution may be controlled mechanical ventilation in the window frame , but first let's briefly define the concept of sustainability.

Ventilazione Meccanica Controllata nel Controtelaio del Serramento

The principles of sustainability

These questions find a concrete answer in the principles of sustainability : the design and management of a building that combines in a complementary way the characteristics of high energy efficiency, low environmental impact and living comfort.

  • High energy efficiency means reducing the energy consumption of the building thanks to the use of adaptive techniques and technologies, the increase in the efficiency of plant systems and the use of renewable energy sources;
  • Low environmental impact means limiting the energy consumption of the building during the entire life cycle "from cradle to grave";
  • Living comfort corresponds to the concept of “global” well-being that a building must guarantee, or rather the maintenance of a high degree of user satisfaction with the environment in which it is located;

The sustainable building therefore possesses the ability to relate to the needs of the occupants.

Controlled Mechanical Ventilation: what is it?

Modern buildings (new or renovated) are designed to limit the natural exchange of air as both the walls and the windows are made to reduce heat exchange and obtain high acoustic insulation.

Frequent opening of doors and windows damages this energy saving trend necessary to reduce energy waste.

In addition to this, today the outdoor atmosphere is often contaminated with pollutants and allergens that worsen the quality of the air.

Hence the need to introduce clean air without changing the internal temperature.

The ideal solution is the use of Controlled Mechanical Ventilation, a technological device that provides:
  • Filter the incoming air from the outside (purifying it from pollutants);
  • Expel the internal one (spoiled by odors, CO2, and allergens);
  • Avoid sensitive variations between the external / internal temperature thanks to a passive heat exchanger;
  • Reduce noise pollution (avoids the need to open doors and windows for air exchange).

Types of Controlled Mechanical Ventilation

Two types of VMC (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation) are available on the market: centralized or "single room".

Traditional centralized systems are unsuitable for renovations, because their installation requires major impact interventions: breaking of walls for the passage of channels; false ceiling; need to allocate a room for the location of the machines; demanding maintenance costs.

The ideal alternative for economy and flexibility is a "single room" VMC , a small device (to be installed one for each room) capable of guaranteeing the same performance as a centralized system in terms of energy and quality of the air, but with much lower purchase, installation, management and maintenance costs.

With innovative technologies, but reliable and easy to adopt, it is possible to reach objectives of high well-being, efficiency and economy even in the most common and simple renovations with truly contained investments.

VMC Green Air Pasini

VMC Green Air Pasini

Green Air is a new decentralized system of Controlled Mechanical Ventilation (VMC) and filtration of the air coming from the outside with heat recovery with high efficiency (up to 82%). All this thanks to an enthalpy exchanger with special membranes without the need to drain the condensate.

Green Air is the ideal system to generate well-being and contain energy consumption : while the monobloc seals the house, guaranteeing ideal energy efficiency and avoiding dispersion of coolness in summer and heat in winter, the VMC ensures correct air exchange. without having to open the windows of the house

Green Air keeps the air in the home healthy and pure, thanks to a special multilayer filter, which eliminates pollutants such as 98% of fine dust (PM2.5 µm) and all of PM10µm, together with pollen, mites, spores and bacteria, contributing to the expulsion of CO², humidity, VOC and Radon.

It is extremely flexible and perfectly suited, thanks to its elegant and sober line, to both new projects and renovations. The simple and quick installation adapts to the various construction needs, to the different types of wall and monobloc to which it is associated, without requiring the laying of ducts.

Ventilazione Meccanica Controllata nel Controtelaio Green Air Pasini

What are the advantages of the Green Air device?

Pasini SpA presents a new high-tech “single room” VMC device , which combines high-performance features with great ease of installation, small dimensions, reduced operating costs and elegant aesthetics.

The peculiarities of Green Air Pasini are:
  • Variable air flow with very low noise always below the standard values;
  • Effective and constant air exchange (specify flow rate);
  • Noise reduction in / out 53 dB;
  • Quick installation in the box, in the shoulder or under the counterframe of the window frame;
  • No demolition of walls;
  • Reduced maintenance, thanks to simple and inexpensive filters that can be replaced annually by the user;
  • High efficiency, low consumption, noiseless;
  • Local to local independent management.

The five-button remote control allows quick control with the ability to select different speeds and adjusts the various functions of the machine with a few clicks.

It allows excellent acoustic insulation and, thanks to the maximum silence of the system, it is imperceptible while it works.

Green Air does not require special maintenance and indicates with a recognizable sound the moment in which it is necessary to change the filters. It can be installed very easily if integrated into the monobloc.

Green Air does not require energy labeling, as it does not consume more than 20W. If correctly sized in the environment, it guarantees the flow rate required by ISO 17772-1: 2017 of 14.4 m3 // h per person.

This device can be combined with the Thermosilent thermal insulating monobloc system.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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