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30 Design handles: catalog for doors and windows

by Elia Caneppele 24 April 2020 commenti (2) scrivi commento

Design handles catalog: 10 principles of " Good Design " applied to door and window handles

In the world of design, Dieter Rams' 10 principles of " Good Design " are very important. What is it about? These are 10 common sense principles that, if applied to everyday objects, give aesthetic value over time, make those who use them feel good and in general are useful and practical to use. We thought it might be useful to have a catalog of digital design handles accompanied by practical advice from our design experts. Maybe we are the first to do it. If you find errors or if you want to give us your opinion, we will be happy to know. Just write us an email.

What will you find in this catalog of 30 design handles?

We present a catalog of 30 design handles , in our opinion among the most beautiful in our online store. Each section includes photos, features and link links to see the handles product page. All the models on this page can be purchased at discounted prices on Windowo.

Browse the design handles through the 10 principles:

catalog of innovative design handles

01 - Good Design is innovative! Design Handles: (A) Twist - (B) Twitty - (C) SUN 2

According to Dieter Rams, design can be defined as good if it manages to innovate and innovate, through its shape, technology, space . Consequently, good design handles must be able to move the inner soul, daring just enough to produce a new meaning.

Windowo Catalog - Here are 3 proposals for handles that we believe are a good match for innovation : they are the Twist Zincral handles by Linea Calì - with an innovative crooked shape - Twitty by Colombo Design - with the shape of a bird - SUN 2 by Mariani Becchetti - with particular technological aspect.

useful design handles catalog

02 - Good Design is useful! Design handles: (A) 2MM.015.00T8 - (B) Turn - (C) Words

Designer handles must also be useful. If it is true that design is about the aesthetic act, it is also true that it must not be an end in itself . In the history of architecture, contrasting schools of thought have developed over time which, from time to time, have highlighted one or the other aspect. The eye wants its part but we also pretend to be able to use an object for a purpose. What nobler purpose for our home than to let us discover different spaces?

Windowo Catalog - The design handles we offer are : the pba 2MM.015.00T8 stainless steel handles - useful for public places, workplaces and offices - Gira Colombo Design and the Words Valli & Valli model - useful because they can be elegantly customized with an inscription.

catalog of design handles that are beautiful to look at

03 - Good Design is beautiful to look at! Design handles: (A) Twee - (B) Two thousand and five - (C) Cinderella

Design is about aesthetics, and the designer handles must be beautiful to look at . Dieter Rams emphasizes that the intrinsic quality of design objects lies in their external beauty. However, this must not clash with the other principles listed. Beauty must be an accomplice and must know how to create a kind of aura of respect. The quality design handles are therefore recognized by an innate and material elegance.

Windowo Catalog - The 3 models proposed are : the Twee handles by the designer Massimo Cavana for Mandelli - the Duemilacinque handles by the designer Zaha Hadid for Fusital - the Cenerentola handles by Valli & Valli signed by the designers Luciana Di Virgilio and Gianni Veneziano.

easy to understand design handles catalog

04 - Good Design is easy to understand! Design handles: (A) Giro Zincral - (B) Nais - (C) Siena

The fourth point concerns communication. Design handles must be easy to understand . Dieter Rams does not speak so much of form as of a practical gift. Look at handle A: don't you think that curve invites you to be picked up and rotated? If an object is easy to use, then a positive benefit will also derive from it and its "power" as a piece of furniture will be strengthened.

Windowo Catalog - We come to the 3 proposals : Giro Zincral by Linea Calì - as already suggested we like his ability to communicate - Nais by Valli & Valli - "easier than that you die" - Siena by Pasini - it takes a little and everything is clear.

discreet design handles catalog

05 - Good Design is discreet! Design handles: (A) Duemila - (B) Zeit - (C) Alamaro

According to Dieter Rams, designer handles must be discreet . This is another very important principle that considers various aspects such as respect for the environment, matching and balance. In fact, a handle can be beautiful and innovative without having to become an extravagant object. Making discreet design is certainly very difficult because you have to find a balance between the parts and dare just enough to provoke a sense of beauty in the environment where the handles are installed. However, some brands have done well.

Windowo Catalog - Here are our proposals for 3 discreet handles : Duemila Fusital - designed by architect John Pawson who was able to make minimalism the goal of his architecture - Zeit Mandelli - designed by architect Marco Piva and awarded with Good Design Award 2017 - Alamaro Manital - signed by the Italian designer Mario Mazzer.

honest design handles catalog

06 - Good Design is Honest! Design handles: (A) Komfort - (B) Tool - (C) Juno

" Good Design " must be sincere. The design handles are also recognizable because they are as they appear , in their simplicity, with bare materials, without masks. There are noble materials such as gold and platinum with which luxurious furnishing objects are created. But design is something else: it is human ingenuity that manages to give value even to not very noble materials, or to apparently not very elaborate shapes. We are talking, for example, of materials such as concrete, which design and architecture have been able to use in ingenious forms and ways. We are talking, for example, of a handle that is made up of a circle and a rectangle and which, however, hides a powerful and sincere soul.

Windowo Catalog - For point 06, we have chosen 3 incredible models : Komfort by Linea Calì - the most varied finishes - Tool Colombo Design - handles by the architect and Compasso d'Oro Michele De Lucchi - Juno Mandelli - concrete handles by the designer Alessandro Dubini.

durable design handles catalog

07 - Good Design lasts over time! Design handles: (A) 0IT.150.0000 - (B) Rocket - (C) Roboquattro

Quality design is measured over time. Only wear and time can tell if a handle is truly of good design . How many movements do the handles do each day? Open and close - open and close. It also depends on the place where they are installed. It depends on the materials and mechanisms chosen. All of this doesn't have to be an excuse to say that design isn't durable. We dare to say that, at times, even the shape should communicate a sense of resistance and solidity, but this depends on the intent of the designer.

Windowo Catalog - Here are 3 handles from famous manufacturers of handles : 0IT.150.0000 pba - this manufacturer produces stainless steel handles for crowded places and offices - Rocket Frosio Bortolo - here is an example of a design handle that communicates solidity through form - Roboquattro Frosio Bortolo - this model is a synonym of quality, one of the most chosen handles among those of the manufacturer.

catalog of design handles with attention to detail

08 - Good Design is attentive to detail! Design handles: (A) Kendo - (B) Grint - (C) K2

So we come to one of the key principles that makes handles and furnishing accessories truly design : good design is taken care of down to the smallest detail. A particular curve, a seam, a welding of a particular material or a finish with a unique character. The handle should be perfect.

Windowo Catalog - The design handles proposed here are examples that amplify the attention to detail : Kendo Linea Calì - chosen for the care of the finishes - Grint Mandelli - for the refined detail of the bezel - K2 Fusital - conceived by the designer Antonio Citterio and available in leather of various colors.

eco-sustainable design handles catalog

09 - Good Design is eco-sustainable! Design handles: (A) 2002.YOD - (B) Compass - (C) Icon

Dieter Rams wrote the 10 principles of " Good Design " around 1970, when green ideas, eco-sustainability and attention to the environment were not yet of vital importance . Now things have changed a lot, and it becomes very important to design an object thinking about its environmental impact. It could be argued that eco-sustainability can become a design challenge. Hence the design handles, being objects for the home or for office life, play a fundamental role in this process. Not only aesthetics, therefore, but also a lot of sensitivity.

Windowo Catalog - Here are 3 sustainable handles : 2002.YOD pba - produced in stainless steel and wood - Compasso Fusital - winner of the Green Good Design award - Icon Frosio Bortolo - large collection of handles available with recyclable materials and in wood.

catalog of essential design handles

10 - Good Design is as essential as possible! Design handles: (A) Sun - (B) Point - (C) H1044

Well. We have come to the end of this list of designer handles . The last point is about form: good design should be essential. And here we close with our Windowo catalog of the 10 principles of Dieter Rams applied to the handles.

Windowo catalog - we offer : Sun Frosio Bortolo - Point Linea Calì - H1044 Valli & Valli - handles by designer Van Duysen.

catalog of economic design handles

Special - Good Design is also cheap! Economical Design Handles: (A) Tiffanis - (B) Time - (C) Eos

But that's not all! One special point is missing: we want to clarify that Good Design is for everyone . Designer handles should also be inexpensive, and affordable for quality / price. In this catalog you can find handles with prices up to 150-200 €. But there are also handles with much lower prices, 17-30 €. In fact, we think that good design is not accessible to a few people, but that it is called that precisely because it must make everyone live better.

Here we offer you 3 models with a purchase price on Windowo: Tiffanis Sicma - Time Frosio Bortolo - Eos Frosio Bortolo.

Do you want to see all the design handles that can be purchased on Windowo?

Go to the category with over 60 designer handles . They are available in various versions (for door, with rosette and plate) or for window. They are also all customizable with a finish of your choice.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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Davvero stupende queste maniglie! Complimenti!
11 May 2020
Silvia Antonioli
Interessante punto di vista sulle maniglie di design applicate agli studi del grande designer Dieter Rams. Che bellezza e quanta verità: il vero design risiede nelle semplicità e queste maniglie lo dimostrano. Grazie e complimenti.

PS: in merito, per chi volesse un approfondimento, consiglio questo ottimo libro sugli oggetti di design.
1 May 2020



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