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Acu-Stop panel Acoustic Insulation of Cassonetto PosaClima Renova

€ 8,97
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Acu-Stop panel Acoustic Insulation of Cassonetto PosaClima Renova

Acoustic insulation consists of a sound-resistant foil based on bitumen high density (4kg / m2) with both faces coated with a textile finish polypropylene.
Sold in rolls.

Length: (meters) to be chosen from 2.3 m or 11 m.

Height: (cm): 60 cm.

Thickness: (mm) 4 mm.

The Acu-Stop panel is a high density foil that has the acoustic properties of the lead sheet, even though she was completely free. Island acoustically as a lead sheet of the same weight, but is exempt from the typical toxicological problems of this metal. To be used for the insulation of old containers, especially those facing the street, or in general when required extra soundproofing, which can reduce noise emissions by up to 10dB.

It is installed by placing it above the Flexoterm panel, which constitutes the backbone. Unlike ordinary EPDM panels, thanks to its particular structure not elastic, it follows perfectly the profile, fundamental situation for the best acoustic performance. Thanks to a high value of resistance to water vapor, the membrane also acts as a vapor barrier against the humidity inside the house, preventing the appearance of mold on the perimeter casing.

The panel is fully recyclable, is a non-hazardous waste and gives LEED credits.

Fields of application
The Acu-Stop panel is a component of Posaclima Renova system specifically designed for the insulation of old wooden boxes, sheet metal or masonry. It should be used in all situations where you want to achieve a significant increase in soundproofing power of the box.

Is installed in a very simple and fast: after cutting to size, in the bins with the front inspection panel is the Acu-Stop leaning over the Flexoterm panel (10 or 20 mm), and secured at the top with double-sided tape directly on the polyethylene panel, while the lower part is inserted under the Termopav panel. Also in dumpsters with inspection than we proceed in a similar manner. Adherent surfaces must be clean and at the time of the application must be no surface liquid water or ice.
Remove them before applying the product, which, however, is completely waterproof and is not afraid of any stagnant water in the dumpster.

Certification and Performance
Specific heat: 1,70 KJ / KGK;
Coeff. vapor diffusion: μ ~ 100,000;
Thermal conductivity: λ = 0.170 W / m * K;
Critical frequency: Thick. 10 mm, density 1250 kg / m3,> 85,000 Hz;
Dynamic stiffness: UNI En 29052/1, s' = 21 MN / m3;
Class of fire reaction: UNI 9177, Class 1;
Maximum operating temperature: -10 ° C, + 40 ° C;
Renova sound insulation system with Acu-Stop panel: Ift 13-002095-PR01, Up to 40 dB;
Storage: Up to 24 months in a dry place.

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